“The new Simrad sounder is just insane, you don’t miss a thing” – Owen Wills, Epic Adventures.
Epic Adventures has broken in their new RH770 senator ‘Kaos’ with a kingfish session to remember. The sport fishing weapon is fitted with a TM275LHW transducer channelled through a S5100 sonar module for the best of both worlds in shallow and deepwater sounding. With a NSS16 evo3 filling the dash, no kingfish slips past unnoticed now.
You need to be fearless to go into battle with Whitianga’s resident kingie population!
Every angler’s dream – loaded rods and sounder screens. High Chirp through the S5100 module and NSS evo3 offers great target seperation between bait and predators.
The result of the hookup above, an armful of yellowatil muscle.
Keeping the pressure on is key to steer fish away from potential dangerous structure.
All smiles when you win a fight with a marine brute like this!
Keeping a keen eye on the sounder is critical to success in this style of fishing.
Once a patch of quality fish has been located on the sounder, it’s often PB’s all round for Epic’s clients.
They don’t come easy – finding big kings like this is one thing, landing them is another!
Powering back in the new Senator, the 4G radar makes navigation safe and easy.
To experience NZ fishing as it should be, visit Epic Adventure’s website.