Chivers Seamaster Re-Powered with a MerCruiser 4.3L MPI

Chivers Seamaster Re-Powered with a MerCruiser 4.3L MPI

Chivers Seamaster Re-Powered with a MerCruiser 4.3L MPI

Chivers Seamaster - New Dash Display by Hitech Marine

Chivers Seamaster - New Dash Display by Hitech Marine

Chivers Seamaster Re-Powered with a MerCruiser 4.3L MPI

Chivers Seamaster Re-Powered with a MerCruiser 4.3L MPI

Chivers Seamaster - MerCruiser 4.3L MPI & Alpha Drive by Hitech Marine

Chivers Seamaters Sports 21.6 Re Powered with a Mercruiser 4.3L 220HP V6 MPI Alpha One Sterndrive
- After removing the old 165hp 6 cylinder engine, Hitech Marine carried out a full V6 Mercrusier Reopwer to this popular offshore fishing boat.
- Additional power, great fuel economy and increased range was the result of this Mercury Mercruiser Repower by Hitech Marine
- At cruising speeds of 20 knots this Mercruiser Repower only consumes 27 litres per hour.
- The new Mercruiser Engine and drive fitted by Hitech Marine easily pushed this heavy hull to 36 knots on its initial Seawater test.
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