Another great Re-power result with a Mercruiser 3.0L 135hp engine and Alpha drive unit fitted into this Mid 80`s Chivers T Bird by Hitech Marine. 
Lots of power, instant starting and 35 knots plus just for starters.
Reduced fuel consumption and lower running costs means this boat gets out more often and goes further than ever before.
After 25 years the old Mercruiser 140 had finally reached the end of its life, the owner decided to Re-power with Hitech Marine and now has all the reliability and modern day technology of a brand new vessel for under 15K

For more information & the best Mercruiser Engine deals, see the certified team at...

Hitech Marine Mercruiser Engine Experts
When you just want it to all work


Mercruiser 3.0L TKS Features & Specifications
Alpha Features & Specs
Mercruiser 3.0L TKS - Install Drawing
Inner Transom Plate - Install Drawing
Alpha 1 Generation II - Install Drawing